For the "Insel Sylt Tourismus-Service GmbH", Cap3 has developed a comprehensive booking and management system for beach chair rentals.The system consists of numerous applications that were developed for different devices. Part of it is an iPad app "Strandservice" for stationary use. It contains a cash register and booking system.
The application not only had to become more appealing in visually points it also had to be simplified in terms of handling and structure. For elements like "toasts", "inputfields" etc. I have largely adhered to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. In addition, I reduced the amount of unnecessary content and channels of action were shortened. 
In the following you can see the differences between the old and the new Design of the booking screen for the beachchair rental.

New Design
New Design
Old Design
Old Design
Captre is a web-based timetraking tool cap3 created for their internally use. It was designed by developers only and my first task during my internship was to give it a new look and better usabillity. Sadly I can only show you the new design. I created a dark and a bright mode for it. Also I enjoyed to put in some gamification elements. To switch between the dark-and the bright mode you can click on the light bulb and the mode is changing for expample. With this project I started to do some research about microinteractions as I found it very interesting how it effects my own user experience with a product.

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